The summer vacation is running out and it’s that time of the year when your kids join or get back to school. While they are happy to find new friends and reunite with the old ones, you must be ready with the essential school supplies and preparations to keep their first few days comfortable, exciting, and productive.

Here are 7 simple ways to keep your dear ones ready for school.From routines to essentials, you’ll see various aspects that will make it easy for you to create a school-going plan that works for your child.

  • 1. Bring back the routines
  • Kids have been busy all summer with their leisure time. Now what they need is a headstart for their organized school routine. So, prepare your child with their school-going routine about two weeks before school starts. This includes setting and following an ideal time for bed and rise, meals, getting dressed, and packing the school bag.

    Following such a routine will help you avoid any morning rush in the initial days of school.

  • 2. Set up Kiddie Rules

    While they need their time to play and enjoy, kids should be trained to follow a schedule after coming home from school. Setting some ground rules for daily homework, playtime, TV, and family will ensure enough time for everything that supports school and nourishes their growth.

    Also,take time to explain to them the etiquette to be followed at school with their friends and teachersThis way, they will behave well at school and you’ll won't have many headaches in the initial days.

  • 3.Simplify outfits
  • While the summer hasbeen a time of fancy outfits for kids.the school period is all about school uniforms, formals, sneakers, lightweight sweaters, etc. But kids may not welcome this transition at first, so arrange their wardrobe with such clothes and apparel two weeks before school starts.

    Familiarizing kids with the school shoes would also be helpful, but buying them a new one would be the best to keep them excited about wearing them. This way, you’ll have to argue less during the initial days of school.

  • 4.Keep the passions going
  • Summer is a time when kids explore new skills and develop new interests. Such productive skills are to be carried forward to the schooling phase also, which will help them continue to excel in the related areas and make such skills a habit for life. Look for opportunities at school like clubs,games,and other activities that your child can be a part of and explore.

  • 5.Look for healthy school lunch ideas
  • Coming up with healthy and filling breakfast and lunch ideas is as important as following school-ideal meal times ahead of reopening. Your kid will have to adjust to the whole process, which will be easier with their favourite and healthy dishes during the breaksMake sure the diet you choose for them supports their brain function, concentration, clarity, and agility.

  • 6.Improve the learning spirit
  • The summer is over and so is the playtime that lasts all day. Your kid needs to have a little push to blend into the learning routine at school. So, prepare them with the school box two weeks before school starts, and give them small and fun homework like drawing, writing, etc. Making this a routine for 1-2 weeks will improve their learning spirit and make the transition to school easy. You may also think of a family-learning trip to museums, zoos, or sanctuaries to level up their thoughts from backyard and park games.

  • 7.Setup a study area
  • A study area, even if your kid already has one, should be arranged perfectly before school starts. While the summer fun might have made the study area more of a play area, it is important to keep learning vibes all over.

    Arrange the study area with books, pencils, pens, a small water bottle, and other essentials that do not distract them. Make sure that the area is exposed to enough light and space for your child to do their homework with comfort.

    Your child is about to step onto another eventful year at school. While they should be prepared with everything that they need, they should also be kept calm and happy during the transition. Talk to them, listen to their concerns, and assure them that they have your full support in their new year at school. Let them explore and experience the new challenges with the confidence that you support them with.