The summer holidays are over and it’s that time of the year when kids get back to their busy school schedule. They were enjoying the holidays leisurely, not bothering much about a strict daily routine. But school time calls for a more scheduled and balanced routine - which gives equal importance to learning and playing.

Time management and productive learning are key aspects to keeping up a feasible routine for your kids when they come back home. Here, we will be discussing in detail about simple and effective ways to keep your kids in a healthy back-from-school routine.

  • The Importance of Balance
  • Time management is essential in today’s fast-paced world - even for kids. Children need time to learn and play, both being very essential aspects of their growth and development. While studies help in academic development and gathering knowledge, playtimes are important to boost your kid’s creativity, social skills, and overall wellness. When these two activities are helped with a balance, your child will develop a very happy and healthy lifestyle that is fundamental for their future.

  • Time Management with a Time Table
  • The problem with time management techniques is that we go far ahead in the first place, that we don’t consider the simplest of things. The first thing to do is to educate yourself that time management does not start with long-term goals, but through short-term wins that become a routine.

    The best way to ensure time management is to develop a proper schedule about what to do and when to do it. A study timetable at home does just the job for your kid. This will give them a strict and better understanding of when they should focus on their studies and when should they take breaks to play or perform other productive activities. To make this simpler, consider the following while preparing a timetable for them:

  • Assess your child’s needs:
  • The workload and requirements vary in children with respect to their aid. Younger kids may need fever study time and more time for play and other activities. Kids in the higher classes may need to focus more on studies in a dedicated time.

  • Prioritize tasks:
  • Set enough time to deal with subjects or tasks that need more attention. Find such areas which your kid finds difficult and help them focus better.

  • Include breaks:
  • Set breaks in the study time table so that kids don’t feel bored. Let them play with toys or leisurely walk around during these breaks.

  • Make it flexible:
  • Consistency does not always demand keeping a strict routine. Make amends to the routine occasionally if something more important comes up, even at times when kids are feeling tired after their school routine.

  • Include their suggestions:
  • Ask your kids’ opinion on the timetable and allow them to suggest changes that sound better. This will also give them space to think and come up with productive ideas without any restrictions.

  • Effective learning through educational toys
  • No matter what, kids love toys way more than their pencils and wordbooks. So, how about some productive toys that support their growth and development?

    Learning or educational toys are great when it comes to bridging the gap between play and study. These toys are specially designed to make learning an enjoyable adventure and motivate kids to continue the same routine without boredom. Educational toys improve your kid’s cognitive skills and creativity - presenting them with more exciting ways to learn and explore things that they are yet to know about.

    Toys like puzzles and building blocks improve problem-solving skills among kids, improve concentration levels, and help them learn new concepts easily. Above all, educational toys make learning an everyday fun event that seamlessly becomes a favourite part of their routine.

  • Simplifying Their Little World
  • A balanced study and play is essential for the mental and physical well-being of kids. With a structured time table, including educational toys, and implementing time management strategies will make the whole process of learning and development easy for your little one. While they need time to learn and play, they should also be given enough time to be around the family - sharing their ideas and concerns honestly.

    Let’s give them the space and support they need, and good things will follow!